HP Turnkey Systems

Nuvair nitrox systems use membrane technology to produce nitrox from standard air compressors. Our complete, turnkey high pressure system generates any desired nitrox percentage between 22% and 40%. Should your system be on a liveaboard dive boat, you can set the system to produce only EANx32 or EANx36. A Nuvair system is economical, easy to operate, and highly reliable whether you are pumping tanks with HP air or nitrox.


Nuvair is the worldwide leader in innovative nitrox solutions. With thousands of installations worldwide and a dealer support network reaching to the four corners of the globe, Nuvair is the clear choice for nitrox generating systems.

Nuvair nitrox systems use modern membrane technology to produce oxygen rich air (nitrox) from standard air compressors. Our membrane systems can be purchased as standalone product to be incorporated into an existing compressor system or as a complete, turnkey integrated system for high pressure (HP) production. Generating standard blend nitrox at 32% oxygen (EANx32), 36% oxygen (EANx36), or any other desired percentage between 22% and 40% oxygen can be dialed-in on the fly. Should your system be on a liveaboard dive boat, you can fix the system to produce only EANx32. A Nuvair system is economical, easy to operate, and highly reliable whether you are pumping tanks with HP air or nitrox.

Nuvair has made it simple for you to purchase a turnkey system based on the cubic feet per minute (CFM) or liters per minute (L/min) needed. Our packages delivered are ready to go. We can also custom build systems for your specific needs across a wide variety of markets.

The benefits of diving nitrox have become widely known throughout the diving industry. Producing nitrox using a membrane is a safer and more economical alternative to oxygen blending.

Any one of Nuvair's turnkey units, the Traveler II, Titan and Voyager Series, may be right for you, or you may have unique diving needs and require one of our larger commercial systems. Call us today to discuss how a Nuvair system can benefit your operation.

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