User Manuals

Hover over a manual name and click to view in browser or download to your computer. Right-click on a manual name for additional options. Current and archived manuals are divided into the following sections:

  • Nitrox HP Compressor User Manuals
  • Nitrox LP Generator User Manuals
  • Nitrox LP Surface Supply Manuals
  • High Pressure Air Compressor User Manuals
  • High Pressure Compressor Parts Manuals
  • Low Pressure Compressor User Manuals
  • Low Pressure Compressor Parts Manuals
  • Hookah User Manuals
  • Analyzer User Manuals
  • Fill Containment Station (Blast Cabinet) User Manuals
  • Engine & Motor Manuals for Nuvair Compressors
  • Other: Articles, Catalogs, Guides & Manuals

Nitrox HP Compressor User Manuals

Nuvair HP (high pressure) nitrox systems use modern membrane technology to produce nitrox from standard air compressors. Our membrane systems can be purchased as a standalone product to be incorporated into an existing compressor system or as a complete turnkey integrated system for high-pressure operations. EANx32, EANx36, or any other desired oxygen percentage up to 40%, can be dialed in on the fly. View our series of high-pressure (HP) nitrox systems—built for incorporation into an existing compressor system—on this page. For our series of integrated, high-pressure (HP) turnkey nitrox systems, see this page

Membrane 215, 230 & 230N3 Series  Rev. 03/2020
Mebrane 230, 230N3 & 250 Series Rev. 03/2020
Element HP Nitrox System Rev. 05/2015
Element HP Open Model Nitrox System Rev. 01/2007
MCH36 Diesel Nitrox Rev. 08/2017
Traveler (models prior to 2010) Rev. 12/2006
Traveler (2010-2016 models) Rev. 01/2010
Traveler (2017 and newer models) Rev. 07/2017
Traveler II (2006-2008 models) Rev. 07/2009
Traveler II (2009-2015 models) Rev. 09/2006
Traveler II (2016 and newer models) Rev. 02/2016
Voyager (models prior to 2017) Rev. 03/2010
Voyager (2017 and newer models) Rev. 08/2014
Voyager C (models prior to 2009) Rev. 12/2006
Voyager C (2009 and newer models) Rev. 08/2017
Voyager II (models prior to 2013) Rev. 04/2011
Voyager II & Open Voyager II (2013 and newer models) Rev. 03/2015
Voyager III Rev. 03/2015
Voyager IV Rev. 08/2020


Nitrox LP Generator User Manuals

Nuvair LP (low-pressure) turnkey nitrox generators are for facilities with an existing high-pressure compressor that are ready to produce nitrox with one of our economical and safe nitrox membrane systems. View our lineup of LP generators on this page.


Nitrox LP Surface Supply User Manuals

LP nitrox compressor systems are built to deliver surface-supplied air or nitrox at up to 40% oxygen directly to the diver. Our turnkey packages deliver 10 to 50 CFM (283 to 1416 L/min) and are powered by gas, diesel, or electric. Electric systems are available for any voltage or hertz you may require. The three-phase models are available in 50 or 60 Hz. Check out our lineup of LP turnkey systems on this page.

Membrane 215, 230 & 230N3 Series Rev. 03/2020
Membrane 230, 230N3 & 250 Series Rev. 03/2020
LP-LP 12 · Honda (models prior to 2016) Rev. 07/2008
LP-LP 12 · Honda 20 hp (2016 and newer models) Rev. 02/2016
R30>R15 LP · Honda 24 hp Rev. 10/2015
RVK>R15 LP · Kohler 28.5 hp Diesel Rev. 01/2010
RVK>Q325 LP · Diesel or Electric (models prior to 2015) Rev. 06/2013
RVK>Q325 LP · Diesel or Electric (2015 and newer models) Rev. 08/2015


High Pressure Air Compressor User Manuals

Nuvair manufactures and distributes portable and stationary high pressure air compressors that deliver 3.4–27 SCFM (96–764 L/min) at up to 7000 psi (482 bar). Powered by gas, diesel or electricity, our compressors are used internationally by recreational and commercial divers, fire and safety personnel, dive shops, paintball players and operators, and industrial users. Our compressors are classified into the following categories: Portable/Light Weight, Open Frame, Enclosed Frame, Enclosed & Silenced, and Water Cooled, on this product page.

MCH6 ICON MCH6 (2023 version, Publication No. MU-ICON-1123) Rev. 11/2023
MCH6 Compact / Open Portable (models prior to 2015) Rev. 11/2016
MCH6 Compact / Open Portable (2015 and newer models) Rev. 08/2015
MCH6 Portable (models prior to 2016) Rev. 06/2014
MCH6 Portable (2016 and newer models) Rev. 06/2017
Mini Tech Electric, Gas and Diesel MCH13-MCH16 (large file) Rev. 06/2011
Standard MCH8-MCH16 Rev. 06/2007
Service Manual MCH8-MCH16 (large file) Rev. 07/2001
Compact MCH13-MCH32/ET (models prior to 2010) Rev. 04/2000
Compact MCH13-MCH16 (models prior to 2016) Rev. 11/2008
Compact MCH13-MCH16 English and Spanish (2016 and newer models) Rev. 09/2016
Compact MCH13-MCH16 Tropical with Dual Towers (models prior to 2009) Rev. 11/2009
Compact MCH13-MCH16 Tropical with Dual Towers (2009 and newer models) Rev. 09/2016
Compact MCH13-MCH16 Spanish (models prior to 2016) Rev. 11/2008
ERGO Rev. 01/2024
ERGO TPS Rev. 03/2024
ERGO Rev. 08/2020
ERGO TPS Rev. 09/2020
Coltri Evolution: Super Silent EVO, Mini Silent EVO, Compact EVO & ERGO Rev. 09/2019
ERGO Rev. 11/2013
Super Silent and Mini Silent MCH13-MCH16 (models prior to 2016) Rev. 02/2009
Super Silent and Mini Silent MCH13-MCH16 (2016 and newer models) Rev. 09/2016
MCH30-MCH36 (models prior to 2017) Rev. 04/2007
MCH22, MCH30 and MCH36 (2017 and newer models) Rev. 04/2017
Nuvair MCH36 Electric Open Horizontal and Vertical Rev. 04/2014
Nuvair MCH36D Kubota Diesel High Pressure Compressor Rev. 07/2018
Nuvair MCH30-MCH36 Diesel Open (models prior to 2014) Rev. 05/2011
Nuvair MCH30-MCH36 Diesel Open (2014 and newer models) Rev. 09/2014
Nardi Atlantic 100 Manual of Use and Maintenance Rev. 2022


High Pressure Compressor Parts Manuals

Coltri MCH3 Low Consumption Parts List (2019 version, Publication No. LP-MCH3LC-0419) Rev. 04/2019
Coltri ICON MCH6 Parts List (2022 version, Publication No. LP-ICON-0822) Rev. 08/2022
Coltri MCH6 Parts List (2020 version, Publication No. LP-MCH6-0720) Rev. 07/2020
Coltri MCH6 Parts List (2017 version, Publication No. LP-MCH6-0217) Rev. 02/2017
Coltri MCH6 Parts List (2014 version, Publication No. R-MCH-6-0114) Rev. 06/2014
Coltri MCH13-MCH16 Parts List (models prior to 2017, Publication No. R-MCH-13-16-0413) Rev. 04/2013
Coltri MCH8, MCH16, MCH13, MCH16, MCH18, MCH21 & MCH 23 Parts List
(2020 and newer models, Publication No. LP-MCH1316-0820)
Rev. 08/2020
Coltri MCH8-MCH16 Parts List (2017-2020 models, Publication No. LP-MCH1316-0217) Rev. 09/2017
Coltri MCH13-MCH16 Tropical Parts Manual (Publication No. R-MCH13-16-18-T-0800) Rev. 05/2009
Coltri Heavy Duty Parts List [MCH22-MCH30-MCH36-MCH45/OPEN & SILENT]
(2020 and newer models, Publication No. LP-MCH3036-0320)
Rev. 03/2020
Coltri MCH22, MCH30 and MCH36 Parts Manual
(2017 and newer models, Publication No. LP-MCH3036-0217)
Rev. 02/2017
Coltri MCH22, MCH30, MCH36 Parts List
(2013 version, Publication No. R-MCH-30-36-0213 [Rev.e 02 del 02-04-2013])
Rev. 02/2013
Coltri MCH36 Parts List (2000 version, Publication No. R-MCH36-0500) Rev. 05/2000
Coltri MCH5 CNG (2012 version, Publication No. R-MCH-5CNG-0012) Rev. 06/2012
Coltri CNG MCH5 Parts List (2015 version, Publication No. LP-CNG5-0415) Rev. 04/2015
Coltri CNG MCH10-MCH14 Parts List (2015 version, Publication No. LP-CNG1014-0415) Rev. 04/2015
Coltri CNG MCH20-MCH24 Parts List (2015 version, Publication No. LP-CNG2024-0415) Rev. 04/2015
Coltri Open Booster Parts List (2019 version, Publication No. LP-BOOSTERO-0519) Rev. 05/2019
Coltri Compact Booster Parts List (2019 version, Publication No. LP-BOOSTERC-0519) Rev. 05/2019


Low Pressure Compressor User Manuals


Low Pressure Compressor Parts Manuals


Hookah User Manuals

Much of the diving industry refers to hookah systems as “surface supply diving systems,” which they technically are, but we like to draw a hard line between “hookah systems” and “surface supply systems.” Here at Nuvair, a "hookah" is an affordable, lightweight, and portable device powered by a gas engine or electric motor that is used to supply air to divers for recreational or limited commercial purposes.


Nuvair Pro Series Gas Analyzer User Manuals

Latest analyzer User Manuals are posted on analyzer product pages. Click here to view all Nuvair gas analyzer product pages.

Possible Blockage of O2 Quickstick Sensor End Cap Rev. 03/2024
Nuvair O2 Quickstick (oxygen | 2017 and newer models) Rev. 08/2017
Nuvair O2 Quickstick (2005-2011 models) Rev. 01/2011
Nuvair O2 Quickstick (2005 models and prior) Rev. 02/2005
Nuvair Pro CO (carbon monoxide | 2017 and newer models) Rev. 10/2017
Nuvair Pro CO (including Pro CO with High Temp Alarm | models prior to 2017) Rev. 02/2012
Nuvair Pro CO O2 (carbon dioxide & oxygen) Rev. 08/2017
Nuvair Pro CO2 Rev. 03/2018
Nuvair Pro He (models prior to 2007) Rev. 09/2007
Nuvair Pro He Quickstart (models prior to 2007) Rev. 08/2007
Nuvair Pro He Alarm (helium) Rev. 08/2017
Nuvair Pro O2 Rev. 08/2017
Nuvair Pro O2 Alarm Rev. 08/2017
Nuvair Pro N2 Alarm (nitrogen) Rev. 07/2018
Nuvair Pro Trimix (helium and oxygen) Rev. 08/2017
Nuvair Pro Trimix Quickstart (models prior to 2007) Rev. 06/2011
Nuvair Pro Trio (oxygen, carbon monoxide & carbon dioxide) Rev. 02/2019
Nuvair Pro 4 Warn (oxygen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide & moisture) Rev. 08/2017


Fill Containment Station (aka "Blast Cabinet" or "Fragmentation Cabinet") User Manuals

Nuvair manufacturers NFPA-compliant air cylinder fill containment stations. Also known as "fragmentation cabinets" and "blast cabinets," fill containment stations help protect users while filling SCBA, SCUBA, and other cylinder types. View our fill containment stations on this page.


Fill Panel Operation Manuals

Nuvair manufacturers customized fill panels for use in the recreational scuba and paintball industries, commercial diving, fire and safety service, and any other industry requiring distribution of high-pressure compressed gases.


Engine & Motor Manuals for Nuvair Compressors

Hatz 6.8 hp Diesel Rev. 12/2021
Honda 11.7 hp Gas Rev. 1990
Honda 13 hp Gas Rev. 2021
Honda 22.1 hp Gas Rev. 2009
Honda 4.8 hp Gas Rev. 1990
Honda 5.5 hp Gas Rev. 2009
Honda 7.9 hp Gas Rev. 1990
Honda 8.5 hp Gas Rev. 1990
Honda 9 hp Gas Rev. 1990
Honda Owner's Manual GX240 · GX270 · GX340 · GX390 (English, Français, Español) Rev. 2007
Kohler 19 hp Air-Cooled, Two Cylinder Rev. 2012
Kubota 10 hp Diesel, OC95-E4-D1-Q Rev. 2003
Kohler 28.5 hp Diesel, KD625-2 Rev. 2012
Kubota 10 hp Diesel, OC95-E4-D1-Q Rev. 2012
Kubota 29 hp D1305 Rev. 2012
Kubota D1803-CR-TIE4 Diesel Engine Operator's Manual Rev. 2014
Kubota D1803-CR-TIE4B-KEA-2 Diesel Engine Illustrated Parts List Rev. 09/27/2024
Kubota Diesel 4i Engine 37.4 hp @ 2700 RPM Liquid Cooled (Models D1803-M-DI-E3 · V2403-M-DI-E3) Rev. 2007
Kubota Diesel Tier 4 Final 25.8 hp Rev. 2012
Kubota Tier 9.4 hp 4 Final @ 3600 RPM Rev. 2019
Kubota Motor Diesel Manual del Operador D1005-E4, D1105-E4, D1305-E4, V1505-E4 (Español) Rev. 2020
Lombardini 10 hp Air Cooled, One Cylinder, 3600 RPM Rev. 2020
NorthStar 114656 · 9.8 hp e420 EFI Horizontal OHV Engine User Manual Rev. 01/2024
Predator 13 HP (420cc) OHV Horizontal Shaft Gas Engine, EPA Rev. 2022
Predator 8 HP (301cc) OHV Horizontal Shaft Gas Engine, EPA/CARB Rev. 2022
Yanmar 10 hp Diesel @ 3600 RPM, Tier 4, Air Cooled Rev. 2005
Yanmar LV Series (LV-100) Industrial Diesel Engine Operation Manual Rev. 01/2005
Yanmar LV Series (LV-100) Air Cooled Series Industrial Diesel Engine Parts Manual Rev. 07/2008
Yanmar LV Series (LV-100) Air Cooled Series Industrial Diesel Engine Parts Manual Rev. 07/2008


Other: Articles, Catalogs, Guides & Manuals
