Coltri MCH16-MCH18 Pumping Group · Block Only


Pump block with filter tower. No motor or frame. Described by Coltri as "MCH-16 STANDARD WITH FILTER · MCH-18 STANDARD PUMPING GROUP [MCH-16 STANDARD CON FILTRI · MCH-18 STANDARD GRUPPO POMPANTE]".

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Coltri Genuine Parts

Nuvair is an Authorized Coltri Distributor
Nuvair sells only genuine parts and equipment manufactured by Coltri Compressors. Do not be fooled by cheap aftermarket copies of original Coltri equipment. Items labeled “replacement,” “OEM equivalent,” “compatible,” or “alternative” are not manufactured by Aerotenica Coltri S.p.a.

Some Coltri parts are not available for purchase online. To ensure this genuine Coltri part fits your compressor model/version, please contact the Nuvair sales team for ordering assistance.

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